Leave a comment to try and win this book below...I love garage sales! I love thrift stores! I love free stuff!
Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer is hosting a Bloggy Giveaway Carnival starting Monday morning. Once you sign up to win one of MY cool prizes - head on over to Rocks in my Dryer where you will find links to hundreds (last carnival had over 500 links) of blogs also giving away FREE STUFF.
My give-away is a brand new copy of the book called "Field Guide To Produce...How to identify, select, and prepare virtually every fruit and vegetable at the market". The book includes color pictures.
I like this book b/c it includes alternative fruit and vegetable names (good for researching), history, storage, ripening techniques, preparation methods and some recipes.
This book does not include a whole lot of global produce - but it's still a good guide to the more likely items you'll find in a larger supermarket that carries some "exotic" produce. I slip my copy of this book into my purse when I go shopping. I liked it so much that I bought another copy to give away to one of my few faithful readers - or to one of my soon-to-be-faithful readers.
If you don't win the GRAND PRIZE - perhaps you'll have a chance at the consolation prize. The first name I draw will be for the book - the 2nd name I draw will be for a package of dried squid shreds! Maybe you'll enjoy the squid so much, you'll think it was the GRAND PRIZE! The squid shreds are in honor of the first food we ventured to taste - way back here. The package I'm giving away looks a bit different - and may taste different - I haven't tried it...but I couldn't find any like my original package.
So if you are wanting to take an adventure on the food frontier with us - all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your name and your blog URL or email address so I can contact you if you are the winner.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
This looks wondeful. Thank you for the giveaway.
Great giveaway! Count me in :0)
I'd like to enter.
Ooooh! This would be handy at the farmer's market! Thanks for including me!
Ok, call me crazy, but I got a little excited when I saw this book! I would LOVE to win it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
DH and I have a rule that we're only going to purchase/keep reference-type books in the house and use the library for the rest. This one would make him squeely-happy (though of course he'd hide it, being a man and all). :)
I would love the book, but would love the squid too.
I need this because I am sadly ignorant about picking good veggies. My husband knows way more than I do, but I do all the shopping. :) Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
katie at dekabyte dot com
This looks good. I'm not good at picking produce.
This would be great for me. Our goal this year is to eat more fruit and vegetables!
This is an interesting giveaway! Please enter me.
Oh this is great - I am always trying to introduce my family to new vegetables but I have a hard time preparing them when I have never had them myslef!
This would be a great resource for my son's reschool.
Please enter me!
I wonder if people are afraid to win the consolation prize? LOL
Bring it on! I would almost rather that than the book.
I like calamari prepared certain ways, some people don't do it well. I'm game!
Looks like a great book!
great, great giveaway!
pick me!
I know I'm supposed to be eating more fruits and vegetables...perhaps this book would help!
Sounds like a really interesting book. Count me in!
I could really really use this one!
I think I'll have to come out of hibernation to enter this contest!
I'm such a novice when it comes to selecting produce, and I often fail at it! Sounds like a great book!
I'd love that book. Please pick me!
Hey, cool! I've been trying to get more veggies into our diet. Perhaps something like this would encourage our veggie intake. :)
Enter me, please!
Sounds great - please include me
I remember reading about this book on one of your earlier posts. Thanks for sharing!
This looks like a great book.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yeah! Sign me up!
great contest - count me in to win! :)
This is a great prize- thank you!
Very cool! Please sign me up!! It won't be too much longer **sigh** until the farmer's markets open.
Sign me up!
This is such a great giveaway! How many times have I been at the grocery store and looked at some unknown fruit or vegetable and thought "What would I do with that?" Now mind you - I'm not totally sold on the squid shreds but that's okay.
Thanks for the contest! :)
Interesting Prizes!
That sounds like a great book. I think we would try more different things if I knew how to prepare them.
Looks like a great book! Thanks!
Oooh, that looks cool! Enter me, too.
OOOh I'd LOVE that book! Can never have too many ways to fix the veggies! But ummm, we're vegetarian (including no sea food) so please pass me by in favor of someone else for the squid.
This looks great! I have the book on stains from the same series and love it.
As a farmer's market newbie, I think this book would be highly useful! Can't say the same about the squid, but thanks for the offer! :p
I'm always wanting to try new veggies, and so this would be great. Thanks!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
The book looks like it would be very useful, and I LOVE dried squid shreds. I do! I usually get it as a treat at our local Asian grocery store, but it is uber-expensive for my budgeting self ;) Thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway! The book looks interesting! Not so certain on the squid shreds. lol Never had them.
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.
Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings
Thanks for the giveaway! My email addy is at my blogger profile, just in case I win!
Looks like a great book!
Oooo Count me in! I could definitely use some help in the produce dept.
Count me in. My husband and I try to be as healthy as possible when it comes to food choices and we love to learn new stuff to help us. This book would help. Thanks so much.
Oh ths looks like a good one!
please count me in
sounds like a great book!
This book looks so colorful and fun. I'd love all the produce help I can get. Sometimes I look at my cart and realize it's full of processed foods. Yuck!
I need to improve my produce habits. This sounds like the perfect book to help me do it!
What a fun, yummy book! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great giveaway! Please sign me up! Thanks!
I could really use a book like this. Sometimes I feel LOST in the produce section of the grocery store!
I'd love to enter if this is open to Canadians. I buy an organic food box through my university, and sometimes it has produce that I don't really know how to use.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I would love to have this book! Pick me!
Sounds like a great book. Count me in.
this would be a great book to expand my families horizon!
I could really use a field guide to produce...I don't know what half of the veggies are when I go to a big city grocery store!
We sell the field guides at work, but not this one. How great! I would use this a ton! Thanks!
art and nature *at* juno dot com
This looks great! I never know what to do with new vegetables.
cool! thanks for the giveaway
My sister-in-law would love this book!! She has a green thumb; I don't! ( meg.wilson@gmail.com )
What a great book to have and I could use it to help my daughter learn some of the unusual veggies out there.
I would love to have this, thank you so much!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
I am totally going for the squid.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
This would be sooo helpful. I never know how to pick produce.
What a unique prize. How useful it would be! I hope I win!
What a unique prize! Thanks for entering me.
How unique! I'm up for different. Count me in! Thanks.
OOo! I would love to win this!! Seeing as Im always lost at the farmers market.. it would really help
count me in!
I'd really enjoy this book, and put it to good use!
I would love to win this book. I am always at a loss when it comes to fruit. If you love yard sales and bargains then keep an eye on my blog.
I am on a little break but it will pick up soon!
Hey this book looks awesome. I'm intimidated by the back up prize but could give it a shot! Anyway thanks for putting this on!
I'd love to win the book, but I'll pass on the squid. I have too weak a tummy to get adventurous:)
Something different! Nice! I'm game.
What a cool book. As for the squid, why not?
Crack me up about the squid!
If I win, I know who I'd share with.
interesting. please enter me. katie_mmartin@yahoo.com
I am trying to incorporate TONS more produce into my diet -- this would be perfect timing to read this book!
Wow! I would love the book, but I'm not sure about the second prize. We'll see what happens if I win that. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would LOVE this book when farmer's market season hits us... and my first college roommate surprised me with dried squid - just handed me a bowl of what she was eating (she ate it on rice) and I ate half of it before I asked what it was...
awesome giveaway! please throw my name in the hat! good luck everyone!
Sounds like a great book to have! Never heard of dried squid! LOL! Thanks so much for doing this!
Looks like a great book. Thanks.
lucycontest at gmail.com
Great book - I'd have my kids use it with me at the store. Any help to get them into veggies is appreciated!
Thanks for the giveaway! What a great prize. I can't believe how many people are entered ahead of me. I doubt I'll win, but it's nice to visit your blog! Have fun this week. :-)
Custom, handmade greeting cards that you design yourself--all under $8:
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Please enter me! ernestsgirl82@yahoo.com
Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!
This looks so handy.
enter me please!
I'm up for an adventure...and that book looks fabulous! It's so hard to know if fruit and veggies are unripe, too ripe, or "just ripe."
Looks like a great book, count me in!
I could definitely use some produce help! I'm hoping to join a CSA this year and want to know as much as I can!
What a neat looking book. Count me in.
Awesome, please sign me up :)
This book looks like something I need!
Sounds interesting :) I'd love to check it out :)
I really, really want to win the dried squid (but the book would be nice too).
Thanks for a great giveaway! I'd love this!
how fun is this!
Thank you for this give-a-way.
New years res was to eat healthier, so could really use it.
I’d love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)
(contact info - dawn at kaiseralex.com)
I'd love to win the book. If I should win the squid, I think it might qualify for the category of "my most unusual win". I think it sounds tasty, though, so I'd like to win that as well!
Please enter me! Thanks so much!
The book seems very good....the squid shreds..not to sure :-0
This would be great. Please count me in!
I'd love the squid! But, the book looks pretty good, too! Thank you for entering me in your giveaway! Leinani
Count me in!
what a great book!
Oh this is cool...I never knew a book like this existed (same with squid shreds) :)
I love books about food!
Count me in!
nancy.ctli (at) gmail.com
Sounds like a very helpful book.
Sounds like a great book!
This is really fabulous!
Excellent! Enter me please! Thanks!
Check out my giveaway!
sounds great! pick me, pick me! thank you so much!
This book looks very useful. I've never heard of squid shreds lol.
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
adashofsassitude (at) gmail (dot) com
How handy and OH WHAT FUN! Please include me and THANK-YOU!
I would love the produce book. Sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.
I like that this books tells you how to select the fruits/veggies. Sometimes it is impossible to tell when to buy something that you haven't had.
Sounds like a great book! The squid though? Not so sure! LOL
Please enter me. The book sounds like just the thing for the farmer's market day too.
squid shreds eh? sounds interesting!
That looks wonderful! Yay!
We are trying to incorporate more fruits and vegtables in to our diet! This would be perfect!
I would love this book! We are trying to eat a lot more fruits and veggies, but I get stuck on ideas! I also don't know how to pick them very well. Thanks!
Sounds great! Count me in! Thanks.
count me in
Awesome! I love contests.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway! :) Thank You. :)
What a wonderful idea for a book! I would love to read the tips.
Great!! Count me in!!
Check out my giveaway - Mary Kay Product!!
Thank you!!
Oooh I would love this book! Thanks for the chance to win.
Would love to win!
I would love to participate.
Jennifer (dj3hill98@bellsouth.net)
This is great! I just joined a co-op, and don't always know what the veggies are. Thanks.
I am trying to eat more produce...this would help out a lot! Thanks!
Count me in please!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I always hace a hard time picking out fruit and veggies, this would help.
Please enter my name in the drawing. I'd love to win the book.
I'd like to know more about the newer produce appearing in my grocery store.
Well, well...I'm kind of hoping for a second place win, but the grand prize sounds good, too. Thanks for the giveaway.
wow can I just say it's encouraging to see a blog and so many people interested in the same thing as me!
The funny thing about your prize is I feel like I could of wrote it lol.
I have my own video podacst on just this very subject!
If you guys enjoy this book I know you'll enjoy the show.
I haven't read this book so I'd be interested to win it just to see what I don't know:)
If anyone is interested I do free video tutorials about the same subject at Produce Picker Podcast.
Thanks and I'm glad to find another great blog about food!
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
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