Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Great Escape

His name was Puddleglum but should have been Steve McQueen...unlike Capt. Hilts his captivity was very brief.


Miss Footloose said...

Which I hope to mean he didn't end up sauteed with garlic and a squeeze of lemon?

Here's some of my exotic eating:

This is the same link, shortened:

Have fun!

Edi said...

Ha, ha! Actually as the girl was bringing him home in his carrier she mentioned how his legs did appear to be the size of the frog legs we have eaten in the past...and she LOVES frog legs.

But no - she was letting him out for a run (or should I say a hop) and he ran into the neighbor's yard and she couldn't find him :( Much sadness.

Could be the neighbor's small dog had his first taste of frog legs for his evening supper...

CanadianGrandma said...

Hurrah for the frog! They need to roam!