Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eskimo Picnic

On Friday we decided to venture out to our HQ library and the girl asked if we could have an "Eskimo Picnic" out there.

The library has a couple of picnic tables (balanced rather precariously on some very uneven ground) at the end of the parking lot near a small wooded area.

The girl packed her Bento Box, the boy had a sandwich and we brought hot cocoa in a thermos. It was rather coolish and windy (which of course is just perfect Eskimo Picnic weather) - so I just sat in the car while the kids braved the cold.


Fernweher said...

I think old wooden picnic tables are always on uneven ground, wobbling is in their nature. All my memories of outdoor school lunch seem to include the same.

Anonymous said...

That is great that they wanted to eat outside - kids don't feel the cold like we do (even the seasoned Canadian ones :))

I see no snow left - so it must not be too cold.


CanadianGrandma said...

When you can eat outdoors the food tastes so much better no matter what the weather is like!