Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Canada Trip - Day 3

Sunday morning we all took an early walk. Church didn't start until 11:00 AM and as we are all early risers, even when on vacation, we had time for a big walk around the neighborhood.

We first went to the high school to check out the tennis courts, ran around the track and then just wandered up and down the streets. It's always surprising to me how close everything in town seems now...in my memories the 7-11 store is waaaaay south of my parents house - but now I can walk to it very easily.

The canker worms were out in full force so I was glad to be wearing a hat :0

We attended my parents' church (the church I grew up in and got married in many moons ago) and then went back home for lunch and my first "live" viewing of my 4.5 month old niece. She is adorable.

In the afternoon some more family came over - my oldest sister, her husband and daughter who is the same age as my girl.

Keeping with our 2 yr tradition, the kids and my sister and I walked to the Mac's Store to buy slurpees and candies and then the kids played on the playground at our old elementary school. While back in Missouri the folks were enjoying some beastly hot days - we were actually COLD out on the playground. The sky was overcast and it was very windy - but it felt great!


CanadianGrandma said...

It appears that we will not have any really hot weather. That's okay with me as I believe that temperatures between 75 -80 F. are perfect.

Edi said...

Yeah 75-80 is perfect weather for me too...believe me it's tempting to think about having a summer home up north and a winter home down south...