Saturday, March 20, 2010

Columbia Bottom Conservation Area

The boy and his to enlarge - but you'll still have a hard time seeing them. They got quite a bit ahead of the girl and I...

Today we went hiking for about 5 miles in the Columbia Bottom Conservation Area CBCA (where the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers meet).

The first half of the hike was in a wooded area on a mud packed trail next to the river - the second half was on a paved road out in the open. The open area was much colder/windier and though they don't like to admit it - the kids were glad that mom "encouraged" them to dress warmly and bring hats and gloves.

I planned on taking a photo of the spot where the rivers met but my camera battery died. Though it worked awhile later when I tried taking some other photos.

There is a large visitor center at the CBCA which the kids enjoyed - especially seeing stuffed Trumpeter Swans (we read a book last week on Audubon which mentioned Trumpeter Swans so it was fun to get a look at how gigantic they really are), a bobcat, giant catfish etc.

There were a number of these cool mosaics at different points in the trail...


CanadianGrandma said...

You sure find interesting sites to visit and explore!

Anonymous said...

It is important to educate our children and making it fun, like a hike.


Anonymous said...

Looks like an interesting excursion.