Monday, January 4, 2010

Frank's House

This weekend we visited our third Frank Lloyd Wright house - Rosenbaum.

Rosenbaum is the only FLW house in Alabama and it has been wonderfully restored. The interior and exterior have similar features to the FLW house in Kirkwood that we visited back in October.

I love all the built-ins especially the long hallways filled with bookshelves and storage cabinets...I love the countless doors opening each room to the outside ("A thieves delight" said the boy) - though home alone - late a night - in bed - after watching a "scary movie" - hearing a noise - would make one rather paranoid and concerned that all 599 doors were closed and locked!

Can you believe this photo below was the KITCHEN? It once held a small fridge and stove as well...


CanadianGrandma said...

I love all the built-ins as well. A real space saver!

Teri said...

I thought the Rosenbaum house was fantastic. Our guide for the tour was the husband of the regular guide (pressed into service because Herself had a meeting). He was such a hoot.

If you get up to the Madison, WI area the tour of Taliesin is fantastic (if somewhat spendy).