Blu Italy - sparkling natural mineral water with natural lime and lemon flavor - a product of Italy that cost $1.29.
As a rule, I generally do NOT buy bottled water. I do keep some on hand for hikes and emergencies - but usually tap water is good enough for me.
But Blu Italy isn't just any bottled water. For one thing it comes in a glass bottle not a plastic bottle - and the bottle is blue. A beautiful colbalt blue!
The weather was so delightfully warm yesterday that we took our lunch outdoors to a nearby park. A great opportunity to try out Blu Italy.
The water tasted just like 7-UP soda - well except for the fact that it wasn't sweet and it had a salty mineralish flavor. The kids and I all drank up our cups of water - but decided it wasn't to our liking.
I plan on saving the empty bottle - though I'm not sure what I'll do with it - just too beautiful to throw away. Any ideas?? Obviously I am not as talented as this.
Love that colour of blue! If it has a salty flavour to it I would not like it. You could break the bottle into different shapes and make a mosaic design for something or just use it as a vase.
Those Etsy glasses are gorgeous!
I think bottles like this always look prettiest with one or two simple white daisies in them. Or you could stick a tall candle in it for a soft lit dinner for two.
Wow, those are pretty glasses you linked! To pricey for me though! I use bottles as vases, also just stored on the space on top of my cabinets for decoration.
Wow, I am surprised you didn't like this water. I am usually not a fan of mineral water either, but after trying some that my husband was drinking, I liked it. It even has calcium in it which is good for us women.
I love the Italian Blu water, but my bottle IS plastic, not glass--the same color. AT $1.29 from Trader Joe's. it's a bargain!
I've been a BIG fan of Blu Italy water for several years. Compared to most Italian water it is very low in sodium. It is an especially good accompaniment to red wine at meals.
I order several cases at a time. The most recent batch is in PLASTIC bottles. They don't fizz when opened, the water lacks the usual bubbly zip, and three bottles arrived with leaks. As convenient as plastic is, I sure wish the glass would be restored! SEM
I love things with a little bite. Black coffee - no sugar, tonic water straight and Blu Italy. Refreshing. Had no problem with the plastic bottle. Fizzy, fresh and worth putting out on the table with guests just for the extra WOW factor of the blue bottle.
Trader Joe's does not seem to sell Blu Italy anymore. Any idea where it can still be purchased from. Or who the manifacturer is?
Thank you.
our Trader Joes in Atlanta sells it. Lemon is my favorite. I LOVE it in fact and so do my daughters. btw, it has 0% sodium but what you may be tasting is the 2% calcium in it. Traders is usually really good about getting stuff in that you want. just go ask....you should not have to live without and the bottle is recyclable
My daughter and I love Blu' Italy bottled water from Trader Joe's. Have you tried all three? there is lemon, lime and of course, the regular plain. As for the bottles, our recycling center doesn't accept blue glass, but I found the plastic bottles and we recycle them. As for ideas; if you have a glass cutter, cut down about 3 - 4 inches from the neck and you have a lovely vase. with the plastic bottles, I have cut down about 3 inches from the neck and use the top part as a funnel.
Make patio lanterns.
My wife and I love Blu Italy. I found it at Trader Joe's the other day. We love the lemon sparkling water the best. We will continue to buy it. Wonder if Trader Joes will give a discount if we buy it by the case!
maybe you're used to drink too much crap(like Sprite!) and cant distinguish class and good taste! I only found BLU in plastic bottle,here in Calif, but i found it refreshing and the lemon taste very powerfull and natural, which I love! From what I see, you're in minority! But if you're that fussy, try to find a local market that sell 'the Queen of mineral waters',its called 'BORSEC' and is from..Romania, 2000 year old source, roman emperos used to bathe in it and the king of Austria called 'Queen of mineral waters'! hard to find but worth it, there are few markets that carry is here in Caalif. You should google it, it makes Perrier taste la gasoline(they actually did 10 years ago!)
and they changed it to glass bottles..... and they did not have my favorite Lime flavor at my Joe's...... :-o
Blu Italy is one of the bests... :)
I finally kicked my diet coke habit. Now I only drink water and sparkling water. Blu Italy has become my favorite. It's so much cheaper than Perrier and S.Pelegrino. Additionally, I was concerned about fluorine content, so I called the toll-free phone number on the label and left a voice mail. The very next day, I received a phone call from a Blu Italy customer service rep who very politely answered all of my questions...her name was Samuella and she called me FROM Italy (I'm in California). That's customer service!
This is old, but, if you have an over abundance, you could make an outdoor path line or border. That's definitely what I would do. :)
I like Blu Italy water too.
blu' Italy sparkling mineral water is no longer available at Trader Joe's; where can be found near the DC area? Please advise on here or anywhere else...Thanks.
BAD NEWS...JUST GOT BACK FROM TRADER JOE'S (Foxboro, MA) and was informed that Blu Italy water has been discontinued.........
I really love this mineral water.
Can anyone tell me where else I can get it.
The very capable Ben Bishop, currently at the helm, left an executive position in business to enter the ministry, RS Glass Bottle
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