Last time I was visiting my in-laws, I opened a drawer and there it was! A doll small enough and shaped in such a way that a little hand could easily clutch it.
When my MIL was cleaning out a family member's estate - she found the doll mixed in with some old rags. The rags were burned - the doll was saved. My MIL thinks the doll probably belonged to her husband's aunt.
The doll was and is plain, not even a face. My kids thought it looked like a mummy. Yet it must have been a little girl's treasure ...maybe her one and ONLY doll.
For more Show & Tell Friday items - check out There is No Place Like Home.
I'm sure the doll was much loved by its owner! She probably could not afford thread to sew on a face or even crayons to draw a face! Simple things give more pleasure than one would think!
That is so precious.
This doll really piques my imagination. Imagine such a simple little doll, just a piece of trash to someone else, being a little girl's greatest treasure!
Wow, I love that. Such a simple item so loved. Adorable.
what a precious doll. Reminds us that things don't have to be fancy to be precious and treasured.
Thanks for sharing this with us!
Linda C
What a treasure! I've never seen such a simple doll before. Thanks for sharing!
How many kisses did that little sweetie enjoy! So much love bundled in that little doll.
OHHHH, how precious is that little doll!!!!
P.S. How come I want to own everyone's Show and tell:)
I an so glad it was saved.
Well that is absolutely AMAZING. I bet it was treasured as much as any of the fancy schmancy new ones. Probably more as it had to employ some imagination!
I must confess, and forgive me... for when I saw the TITLE of your blog, then this photo right below it immediately made me think of the cheesecloth bag of stuffing that comes out of a turkey? My first impression was that someone had monkeyed with the food - now that would be exotic, right?
Thanks for sharing!
That is such a little treasure for your MIL to fine--don't you wish you had the story behind that doll! And don't you wonder about who the child was and who made it and why it was saved?
That is truly precious. So glad I popped in here from Kelli's place to check out your show and tell!
Cool! This doll could be anyone the little owner wanted it to be. I wonder what kind of stories the doll would tell if it could talk :).
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