Monday, September 1, 2008

Laboring on Labor Day - 14 Mile Ride!

Nothing like bringing yourself to the end of your physical endurance in order to celebrate Labor Day...

We left around 7 AM and our destination (we hoped) was Creve Couer Park - approx. 7 miles one way. We attempted the ride once before - but turned back when we still had a couple of miles to go.

When we were a mile or two from the park, we stopped at a little roadside park and had a break. We fortified ourselves with some Jelly Belly Belly Flops :) and water. At first we thought the 9 yr old would just ride on to the park with her dad, but after the sugar, the 6 yr old thought he could go the rest of the way.

We made it safely to the park. We were going to attempt to find a letterbox there, but changed our minds after we figured out that our chances would diminish greatly of making the ride back home if the kids walked a few miles at the park.

The ride home was harder as the weakest links were worn out. We stopped quite a few times, walked a lot of hills, and had some tearfulness. But all persevered to the end!

We made it home safely!! It was hard to get the boy to smile for a photo...but within 10 minutes of being home he was fine. A great accomplishment for the kids!


CanadianGrandma said...

I was exhausted just by reading about your trek of 14 miles! For young children that is a remarkable feat! I remember a 7 mile ride that I went on at the age of 16 and I thought that I would never make it back home!

ames said...

Wow, good for you! I'm very impressed.

Jennifer said...

That sounds like it was a lot of fun, well, except the crying and tired part.