I figured these cheese balls would taste quite similar to other cheese puffs or cheese balls I've had before. They didn't. It had an odd, not very pleasant flavor. My daughter loved them - my son hated them. He didn't even like the smell.

They are round and soft and light and somewhat cheesy - but if I need a cheese fix I think I'd rather just have some Cheetos or an actual piece of cheese. At least the cheese balls don't have that bright orange cheese powder that stains your fingers :)
Aww... cheesy fingers are the best part of Doritos and Cheetos and other cheesy snacks.
Well depends on who you are...if you are a little boy that forgets to wash his hands or just uses his shirt for a wipe - then it's no good :) And it's difficult if say you are reading a book or multi-tasking while eating a cheesy snack....
Oh... I hadn't thought about that! Good point.
How funny. I was just thinking this week about the cheese balls my mom used to buy for us if we were good on shopping trips. I think they were made by the same company as Cheetos but they don't make them anymore. For some reason they were WAY yummier than regular Cheetos. Or maybe it was just the whole "going to the store with mom" thing that made them taste good. Anyway, I'm sorry the Brazilian version doesn't cut it.
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