A week or so ago, the girl found a caterpillar.
Into the critter catcher (CC) it went.
Very soon a chrysalis formed at the top of the CC.
This morning the girl placed a damp paper towel in the bottom of the CC.
This afternoon she noticed something different...the chrysalis was broken open and standing outside of it was a butterfly.
We took the butterfly outside for a photo and after a few shots (most too blurry to post) she flew away.
Early tomorrow we are leaving for the farm - what a blessing for the butterfly to be "born" while the girl was still here :)
The girl just looked it up and found out that the butterfly is the Junonia coenia Hubner otherwise known at the
Common Buckeye.
Grandma R. told the girl that they recently saw a black snake in their garage and an 8-inch walking stick on the front porch. You can imagine the girl is excited at that news!